Welcome to MANZ

Massage Aotearoa New Zealand (MANZ) is the only massage therapy specific membership body in New Zealand for professional Massage Therapists. Our purpose is to promote massage therapy and the ongoing development of the massage industry in New Zealand through educating the public about the benefits of massage therapy for health and wellness and supporting the public to access high quality massage therapy through our database of MANZ registered Massage Therapists. 


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Organisational Structure & Staff

As a professional membership organisation representing professional massage therapists from all over New Zealand, Massage Aotearoa New Zealand Incorporated (MANZ) is governed by Te Rōpū Kaitiaki/Executive Committee made up of members that represent the variety of professional backgrounds that MANZ members come from.

Te Rōpū Kaitiaki is responsible for carrying out all matters related to the objectives of the association as set out in the Constitution, setting the strategic direction of the organisation and ensuring that the business and affairs of MANZ are well managed and consistent with the Constitution and Rules of the association. The committee consists of 2 Co-chairs, a Treasurer, an Education Officer and 5 non-specific Te Rōpū Kaitiaki/Executive Committee members. Executive positions are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and positions are held for a period of two years. Each Executive Committee member has a specific portfolio of responsibilities and tasks. In addition to executive positions, there are also some non-executive positions - NZQA Liaison and 2 Magazine Editors, and an Education sub-committee. The non-executive roles are elected at the AGM and are held for one year.

MANZ also has two paid administration staff who carry out the administrative support functions for the organisation. The General Administrator reports directly to the Te Rōpū Kaitiaki/Executive Committee, carries higher level administrative functions and supports the Executive in their work as well as deals with membership, advertising and general administration. A Financial Administrator who supports the Treasurer and carries out financial related administrative tasks.

Organisational structure

The current MANZ Te Rōpū Kaitiaki/Executive Committee comprises 2 Co-chairs, a Treasurer, an Education Officer and 5 non-specific Te Rōpū Kaitiaki/Executive Committee members (each with an assigned portfolio)

Te Rōpū Kaitiaki/Executive Committee

Co-chair - Wayne George

My motivation to remain an active member of MANZ and the opportunity to join the Executive Committee revolves around utilising my knowledge, built from our industry, and transferring my governance knowledge/experience to assist the MANZ organisation to move forward and to support our membership.
  • Diploma in Therapeutic Massage Level 6

Wayne was born and raised in Wales, where he qualified as a diesel mechanic within the coal mining industry until moving to NZ in 1980.

My family, of my wife of 43 years, two adult sons and 5 granddaughters are the light of my life and investing quality time with them is one of my main motivators.

I've been a qualified RMT for 18 years and a member of MINZI/MANZ also for 18 years. simultaneously, I've been a first aid trainer/responder for 17 years.

My clinical practise has been in operation for exactly 20 years as I compile this bio! I have a major interest in stroke rehabilitation, having suffered and fully recovered from the effects of such as a teenager. Another area of my industry expertise is in the elite sport massage sector, which has offered me wonderful opportunities and the privilege of working with and treating many national and international squads since 2006.

Wayne was elected as an Executive Committee Member at the AGM in September 2022 and co-opted into the co-chair role in 2024.

Email: Wayne George 

Co-chair - Vacant

Treasurer - Hannah Munro

Hannah has qualifications in Massage Therapy L5 (WINTEC) as well as a BCom & DipGrad (Accounting) and a BA (Community Family Studies) from Otago University.

Hannah’s client base ranges from professional athletes to people seeking treatment for headaches, neck pain or stress. Passionate about supporting new parents she volunteers her time and speaks at local ante natal classes.

In 2018 she completed her 200 hours Yoga Teaching Training and then a 50 hour Yin Yoga Training in 2019. In 2023 Hannah became an approved provider to HPSNZ.

With a background in accounting and auditing, Hannah brings a unique understanding of financial management and compliance, combined with her expertise in massage therapy, allowing her to approach MANZ governance from a holistic and practical perspective.

Email: Treasurer

Secretary - Thea Hewitt 

Thea is dedicated to maintaining the association’s progress and ensuring it continues to thrive 

Born in the UK, I moved to Christchurch in 2008 especially to study at the Canterbury College of Natural Medicine, gaining a Diploma of Massage in 2010. I chose massage as a career change from Law, after feeling the incredible benefits massage gave me after my 2nd knee operation. I've never looked back.

I specialise in noticing posture stresses on the musculoskeletal system, Trigger Point Therapy, myofascial and deep tissue body work along with bloody good pregnancy massage.

When I'm not working hands-on with humans, I'm working hands-on with plants and creating a forest garden with food resilience in mind.

With experience as a former Secretary for a local community board, Thea brings valuable administrative skills and a passion for supporting MANZ’s growth. Thea is dedicated to maintaining the association’s progress and ensuring it continues to thrive.

Education Officer & AHANZ Rep - Shelley Moana Hiha

I would love for MANZ to develop as an organisation that organically gives effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi; able to reflect that we are a profession within Aotearoa New Zealand with a uniqueness that is ours because of the land we are living in, for the benefit of all.
  • Diploma in Clinical Sports and Massage
  • Diploma in Therapeutic Massage
  • Reiki Master
  • Diploma in Intuitive Vibrational Healing

Massage Journey

My initiation to massage was from my dad and I followed in his footsteps of providing massage to whanau and sports teams for aroha. Later after a serious neck injury massage was one of the few therapies, along with aromatherapy baths, that helped with pain management. I decided to retrain, to shift sport and holistic wellbeing from hobbies to a career. My professional career in massage began as the first fulltime massage locum in Auckland until I settled into a contract position with HealthZone Medical Clinic specialising in sports massage.

I commenced teaching massage shortly after graduating, having staff training and educator experience and continue working in massage education.

Journey onto the Executive

After providing a lot of feedback during the MANZ review in 2020-2021, I decided that I needed to be involved and not just protest from the side lines. It is important to me to give back and support future massage therapists to achieve their life goals and enter the profession I love so much. My journey in massage has been supported by others throughout my career which is one of the great things about this profession and industry. I am proud to be a massage therapist and my wish is that massage therapists continue to graduate as well educated, informed, client centred, culturally responsive, professional, holistic practitioners who love what they contribute to their communities.

To me Massage Aotearoa New Zealand needs to be membership driven and responsive; inclusive: open to new ideas and ways of operating; be political and advocate for the profession and influence the industry; be proactive and provide leadership. That leadership needs to be membership driven through engagement and involvement so that our national association influences the direction for our profession. We on the executive are human and if you leave it to us alone, you get our best but from a limited number of perspectives. My wish is for membership to get involved and help to get massage integrated and recognised in our countries healthcare system, acknowledging the contribution massage therapists make to wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand. So provide MANZ feedback, ideas and propose solutions for old problems to assist the association to be more representative of the larger collective.

Shelley Moana was elected as Executive Committee Member at the AGM in September 2021. In December 2021, Shelley Moana took on the portfolio of AHANZ rep for MANZ. In 2023 Shelley Moana was elected as Education Officer at the AGM

Te Rōpū Kaitiaki/Executive Committee Member Felicity Molloy 

My aim is to share rich forms of critical enquiry that extend our perceptions of the body in various stages of life with evidence-informed practice. I look forward to reaching out to massage practitioners and prompting diverse approaches to increasing the benefits of knowing about research in professional practice.
  • PhD AERA Qualitative Research SIG 2018 outstanding award for a doctoral dissertation
  • MEd GDHE
  • Senior Level 3 Teacher Yoga Australia/NZ
  • Dip. Remedial Massage
  • Dance Victorian College of Arts

Felicity brings more than 25 years of clinical massage, education and research experience. Felicity was drawn to the enquiry of human movement as a communicative form through somatics and contemporary dance. She completed her Diploma in Remedial Therapy at Wellpark College (1995) and worked at the Westmere clinic (BodyStill) since 2000. With tertiary qualifications in education, Felicity helped develop Relaxation Massage and Applied Anatomy courses in the early days of NZQA. Also, then undergraduate dance degrees at Unitec (BPASA), the University of Auckland and AUT. In 2014, Felicity became the Wellpark College Programme Leader for Massage and Yoga, and Education Advisor teaching Naturopathy and Nutrition students research methods and critical thinking. In order to maintain ‘practice’ as the source of knowing the body, Felicity maintains a long-term yoga practice with Senior Iyengar teacher, Peter Thompson.

Felicity was co-opted as an Executive Committee Member in November 2021, and ratified at the 2022 AGM (previously Research Officer from September 2018 to May 2020). 

Email: Felicity Molloy via the MANZ Administrator 

Te Rōpū Kaitiaki/Executive Committee Member Barry Vautier


  • Bachelor of Health Studies in massage & neuromuscular therapy (NZCM 2012).
  • Diplomas in Naturopathy (SPCNT 1990), Herbal Medicine (SCSHM 1993) and in Massage (NZATMP 1994)
  • Certificate in Fascial Kinetics 2003

Level 6 and Life Member MANZ.  Board member MANZ & BTFA.

Barry first learnt massage in 1981 and has been a continuous member of a massage association since 1989 when he was an early member of NZATMP. He was the education officer, education secretary and on the education committee of NZATMP for 8 years. He was a national examiner and moderator for NZATMP from 1995 to 2000. Barry was the first president of Massage New Zealand on merging TMA with MINZI in 2006. He was the Northern Regional coordinator for MNZ 2012 to 2014.

Massage tutor at Wellpark College 1993 – 95,  New Zealand College of Massage 1996 - 2011. Barry taught Bowen from 2012 to 2018. He was principal of the Fascial Kinetics (Bowen) school from 2014 to 2018. Barry has also taught anatomy, physiology & pathophysiology for the New Zealand College of Massage and for the College of Natural Health and Homeopathy. He has been an Expert Advisor for the Health and Disability Commissioner since 2007.

Barry has presented at several Massage and Bowen conferences in Australasia over the last 30 years.  He was an early advocate and tutor for On-site massage. He spent 5 years as a body therapist at the Refugee Resettlement Centre in Mangere, Auckland gaining valuable knowledge into working with trauma and PTSD.

Barry is semi-retired and has a body therapy practice at Whiritoa Beach. He facilitates 5- and 7-day fasting retreats at the Aio Wira centre near Auckland. He is a NZ representative on the board of the Bowen Therapist Federation of Australasia and is an advocate for research capacity building for body therapists.

Te Rōpū Kaitiaki/Executive Committee Member- Sophie Wilson 

 I want to channel my energy into contributing to the "behind the scenes" efforts that shape our profession in this country.
  • Bachelor of Health Studies (Neuromuscular Massage Therapy)

I've been a member of MANZ ever since I first qualified as a Level 6 therapist. Initially, I saw it as a "tick the box" requirement to become registered with Southern Cross. However, as I transitioned from being an employed therapist to working for myself, being a member of our national body has taken on much greater significance.

It's been valuable for raising client awareness and educating them about the industry that I’m so passionate about. More importantly, it's become a platform for me to expand my own awareness and contribute to ensuring that massage therapy remains firmly recognised as an allied health practice.

As for why I’ve decided to step into the MANZ committee now – after witnessing first-hand the profound impact of massage therapy in my clinic, I want to channel my energy into contributing to the "behind the scenes" efforts that shape our profession in this country.

I feel my drive, ambition, and unique "Sophie-isms" are ready for this new challenge, and I’m excited to bring fresh perspectives and enthusiasm to the MANZ committee.

Looking forward to what’s ahead!

Te Rōpū Kaitiaki/Executive Committee Member Hélène Geoffroy-Legeay   

I am dedicated to support our association being part of Te Rōpū Kaitiaki and helping the industry move forward.

I am born and raised in France where, after a short career as a dancer due to injury, I qualified as an air traffic controller for the French Navy. I arrived in New Zealand in 2018 with my husband and took over massage studies at SIT where I obtained the bachelor’s degree in Therapeutic and Sports Massage (level 7) in 2020. I am a registered massage therapist with Massage Aotearoa New Zealand since 2018 and I am also a Pilates instructor helping individuals and athletes in Central Otago, beautiful part of Aotearoa. As a former dancer, archer, and navy veteran I have a unique perspective on body mechanics, stability, and resilience. These experiences, along with my curiosity for research, have led me to publish two papers, further contributing to the industry’s knowledge base and driving my own passion for learning and helping my clients to achieve Hauora.

In addition to my hands-on work, I taught clinical reasoning and orthopaedic assessment at the Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) to aspiring therapists. As a Pilates instructor, I emphasize core strength, alignment, and mindful movement, tailoring classes to suit a range of abilities and conditions.

Whether through hands-on therapy, teaching, or research, and with my passion for learning and growth I am dedicated to support our association being part of Te Rōpū Kaitiaki and helping the industry move forward.

MANZ Te Rōpū Kaitiaki/Executive Committee Member - Vacancies

We Need You! If you’re an MANZ member passionate about making a difference, consider joining the Executive Committee. Your involvement is crucial! Email the Administrator for a copy of the Role Description, or contact the Co-chairs for more information.  the Administrator for a copy of a Role Description or contact the Co-chairs for more information. 

Sub Committee

Education Committee - 


General Administrator - Bridie Munro

Bridie is excited to channel her energy into MANZ's continuous success story

Meet Bridie Munro, a passionate advocate for the human body and a registered Massage Therapist and Yoga Teacher. With a deep dedication to creating a bridge between theoretical knowledge and hands-on body awareness, Bridie excels in adapting modern yoga and bodywork techniques to cater to individual needs, whether it's addressing medical conditions, post-injury recovery, or managing pain.

Beyond her expertise in bodywork, Bridie brings a dynamic administrative flair to MANZ. Her diverse experience encompasses managing software tools, websites, and social media platforms, along with steering memberships and clinic operations. What's more, Bridie has a special connection with MANZ, actively contributing through volunteer roles on the education committee and even spearheading the organisation of the 2017 MANZ conference. This speaks volumes about her dedication to advancing Massage Therapy as a respected and cherished profession in New Zealand. With her passion, skills, and vibrant spirit, Bridie is excited to channel her energy into MANZ's continuous success story.

Finance Administrator - Vicki Jopson

Born and educated in Dunedin. I graduated from Otago Polytechnic with a Diploma in Accounting. I am a member of the Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand. I have had more than 20 years experience assisting clients with their accounting and taxation needs; navigating compliance requirements.

Outside of work I enjoy walks on the beach at our crib in Taieri Mouth. Visiting family in Melbourne & knitting for my grandbabies.

Email: Finance Administrator

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About Massage Therapy

What is massage therapy, the evidence of practice, FAQs

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Join MNZ

Benefits of being a member, costs and process, frequently asked questions.

hot stone massage therapy

Become a Massage Therapist

Where and how to start a career in massage therapy

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